[MSSQL] 合併多筆資料至同一欄
select ogb01, ogb04, Left(ogb03List, LEN(ogb03List)-1) as ogb03List from ( select distinct ogb01, ogb04, ( select cast(ogb03 as nvarchar) + ',' from ogb_file as ogb2 where ogb2.ogb01='ABC-0001' and ogb2.ogb04=ogb1.ogb04 FOR XML PATH('') ) as ogb03List from ogb_file ogb1 where ogb1.ogb01='ABC-0001' ) A
select distinct ogb01, ogb04, substring(( select ',' + cast(ogb03 as nvarchar) from ogb_file as ogb2 where ogb2.ogb01='ABC-0001' and ogb2.ogb04=ogb1.ogb04 FOR XML PATH('') ),2,1000) as ogb03List from ogb_file ogb1 where ogb1.ogb01='ABC-0001'