
'ADO Status
adStateClosed = 0              'The object is closed
adStateOpen = 1                'The object is open
adStateConnecting = 2          'The object is connecting
adStateExecuting = 4          'The object is executing a command
adStateFetching = 8            'The rows of the object are being retrieved

'ADO Data Types
adEmpty = 0                    'No value
adSmallInt = 2                'A 2-byte signed integer.
adInteger = 3                  'A 4-byte signed integer.
adSingle = 4                  'A single-precision floating-point value.
adDouble = 5                  'A double-precision floating-point value.
adCurrency = 6                'A currency value
adDate = 7                    'The number of days since December 30, 1899 + the fraction of a day.
adBSTR = 8                    'A null-terminated character string.
adIDispatch = 9                'A pointer to an IDispatch interface on a COM object. Note: Currently not supported by ADO.
adError = 10                  'A 32-bit error code
adBoolean = 11                'A boolean value.
adVariant = 12                'An Automation Variant. Note: Currently not supported by ADO.
adIUnknown = 13                'A pointer to an IUnknown interface on a COM object. Note: Currently not supported by ADO.
adDecimal = 14                'An exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale.
adTinyInt = 16                'A 1-byte signed integer.
adUnsignedTinyInt = 17        'A 1-byte unsigned integer.
adUnsignedSmallInt = 18        'A 2-byte unsigned integer.
adUnsignedInt = 19            'A 4-byte unsigned integer.
adBigInt = 20                  'An 8-byte signed integer.
adUnsignedBigInt = 21          'An 8-byte unsigned integer.
adFileTime = 64                'The number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1,1601
adGUID = 72                    'A globally unique identifier (GUID)
adBinary = 128                'A binary value.
adChar = 129                  'A string value.
adWChar = 130                  'A null-terminated Unicode character string.
adNumeric = 131                'An exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale.
adUserDefined = 132            'A user-defined variable.
adDBDate = 133                'A date value (yyyymmdd).
adDBTime = 134                'A time value (hhmmss).
adDBTimeStamp = 135            'A date/time stamp (yyyymmddhhmmss plus a fraction in billionths).
adChapter = 136                'A 4-byte chapter value that identifies rows in a child rowset
adPropVariant = 138            'An Automation PROPVARIANT.
adVarNumeric = 139            'A numeric value (Parameter object only).
adVarChar = 200                'A string value (Parameter object only).
adLongVarChar = 201            'A long string value.
adVarWChar = 202              'A null-terminated Unicode character string.
adLongVarWChar = 203          'A long null-terminated Unicode string value.
adVarBinary = 204              'A binary value (Parameter object only).
adLongVarBinary = 205          'A long binary value.
'AdArray = 0x2000              'A flag value combined with another data type constant. Indicates an array of that other data type.

'CommandTypeEnum Values
adCmdUnspecified = -1           'Does not specify the command type argument.
adCmdText = 1                   'Evaluates CommandText as a textual definition of a command or stored procedure call.
adCmdTable = 2                 'Evaluates CommandText as a table name whose columns are all returned by an internally generated SQL query.
adCmdStoredProc = 4             'Evaluates CommandText as a stored procedure name.
adCmdUnknown = 8               'Default. Indicates that the type of command in the CommandText property is not known.
adCmdFile = 256                 'Evaluates CommandText as the file name of a persistently stored Recordset. Used with Recordset.Open or Requery only.
adCmdTableDirect = 512         'Evaluates CommandText as a table name whose columns are all returned. Used with Recordset.Open or Requery only. To use the Seek method, the Recordset must be opened with adCmdTableDirect. This value cannot be combined with the ExecuteOptionEnum value adAsyncExecute.

'ParameterDirectionEnum Values
adParamUnknown = 0               'Direction is unknown
adParamInput = 1                 'Input parameter
adParamOutput = 2                'Output parameter
adParamInputOutput = 3           'Both input and output parameter
adParamReturnValue = 4           'Return value



ORA-12514: TNS: 監聽器目前不知道連線描述區中要求的服務

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